Integrated Community Based Initiatives-ICOBI started to implement the Community Pathways to Family Planning Project in February, 2013. ICOBI received support from Mariestopes Uganda to conduct community mobilization activities for Long-term and permanent methods. ICOBI works through the VHT network in both Districts with very close collaboration with the District Health Officers of the respective Districts.
ICOBI has two very well trained and active drama groups that engage the community in Family Planning education through music dance and drama. These drama groups are facilitated to stage shows in strategic community places prior to the outreach visits by Marie Stopes Uganda teams.
ICOBI has since February been involved in community mobilization using any opportunity in the community to educate people about long term methods of Family Planning and the MSU outreach and Blue Star arrangement for better Family Planning services in Sheema and Ibanda Districts.
Since February, ICOBI has worked with Village Health Team members in Ibanda and Sheema Districts to mobilize clients for FP services through home to home visits. The VHT’s most of whom have been working on the Community PMTCT project with ICOBI supported by CDC and have been very instrumental in mobilizing other people.