ICOBI is a recognised national Health Management Organization (HMO) and is registered with Insurance Regulatory Authority (IRA) of Uganda.
The purpose of ICOBI micro health insurance scheme is to deliver managed healthcare services of the highest standard to an expanding ICOBI membership and clientele as part of our social protection mission. ICOBI has a well-managed, highly motivated and caring team.
ICOCARE is a registered and licensed Health Maintaining Organisation (HMO) by Insurance Regulatory Authority of Uganda since 2013. It undertakes liability of funding health care through membership and collecting agreed premiums from enrolled members in exchange for an agreed benefit package. ICOCARE is affiliated to Integrated Community Based Initiatives (ICOBI).
To achieve the goal of healthy and prosperous families, ICOCARE provides access to low cost but quality medical care. ICOCARE has a certificate of membership from the Insurance institute of Uganda (IIU) and is an active member of the Uganda Community Based Health Financing Association (UCBHFA)
Equal access to Affordable and Quality Health Care for all.
Mission Statement:
To ensure improved access to affordable and Quality Health care to all by the way of membership/health Insurance and promotion of Community solidarity.
Key Objectives of ICOCARE:
• To provide professional Health Insurance services to all clients across the country.
• To promote Health Insurance Scheme advocacy at all levels and most especially at workplaces
• To enhance networking and sharing of good
practices with other HMO’s in the country ICOCARE Health insurance
ICOCARE’s Experience in Health Management and Insurance:
• Provided Health Insurance to over 23,000 OVCS and their care takers under the Empower OVC project from 2008-2011
• Provides Health Insurance (Micro) to Household Members of the 502 Village saving and Loan associations in Sheema district • Provide Corporate Health Insurance to ICOBI, Bushenyi Medical Centre (BMC) and Kabwohe Clinical Research Center (KCRC) staff and their dependents
ICOCARE Community Health plan:
This product targets low income communities. These communities are organized in groups for a common goal. These groups include; Village Saving and Lending Associations, (VSLA) or saving and internal lending Community groups
(SILC groups), Members of the saving and Credit Corporations and other Micro finance Institutions, schools and tertiary institutions. The plan targets all household members of each group member with a minimum of 4 people. The premium for the household of 4 members is (80,000/=) a year. Households with more members pay an additional premium of 20000/= for any additional member. This gives a coverage of up to 550,000/= per member of the household annually.
Benefit package
A. Screening
o All enrolled members have a complete physical examination at entry.
o Complete physical examination every year.
B. OPD Services Covered
o General consultations
o Laboratory investigations
o Diagnosed treatment ( for example treatment for malaria, etc )
o Prescribed drugs
o Prenatal/antenatal care and Preventive care including health education and available health products.
C. Hospitalization
o Full coverage in general ward
o For child birth, coverage is for
normal deliveries
ICOCARE and Community Capacity Building
ICOCARE is in partnership with Health Partners –Uganda to train trainers in Community Health Insurance. ICOCARE targets Field agents of Village Saving and Loan Associations and the leadership of VSLAs and other organized groups in the community.